marker.js Live events demo
marker.js Live fires various events during the annotation layer lifecycle.
Check out Events in the documentation for a list of all supported events.
In this demo, we set all images to semi-transparent on load
. Then when the mouse hovers over a marker we "light it up" by setting it to fully opaque.
Here's how yo do this:
import * as mjslive from 'markerjs-live';
const markerView = new mjslive.MarkerView(targetImage);
// when loaded make all markers semi-tranpsarent
markerView.addEventListener("load", (mv) => {
mv.markers.forEach((m) => ( = "0.5"));
// when hovering over a marker make it opaque
markerView.addEventListener("over", (mv, m) => {
if (m && m !== previousMarker) { = "1";
} else if (m === undefined && previousMarker !== undefined) { = "0.5";
if (m !== previousMarker) {
previousMarker = m;
// show the annotations;
Check out this demo in CodeSandbox for a complete self-contained sample.