marker.js 3 Documentation
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    Getting started with marker.js 3

    This section contains elaborate walkthroughs for getting started with marker.js 3 with various front-end frameworks and approaches.

    • JavaScript walkthrough covers adding marker.js 3 to a simple HTML/CSS/JavaScript application that doesn't use any frameworks or bundlers.
    • TypeScript walkthrough uses Vite and a simple vanilla-ts template to scaffold the initial project and then proceeds to add marker.js 3 to the app.
    • React walkthrough covers adding marker.js 3 to a simple React app.
    • Vue.js walkthrough is a simple Vue.js + marker.js 3 project walkthrough.

    More walkthroughs will be added with time.

    In case you prefer jumping straight into the code, you can find the final source code for these walkthroughs in this repository.