Class ShapePropertiesPanel

Toolbox meta-panel for editing shape properties.




fillColor?: string

Current fill color.

fillPanelsEnabled: boolean = true

If set to false the fill related panels are hidden.

language: Language

Language (localization) subsystem.

lineStyle?: string

Current line style.

lineWidth?: string

Current line width.

onFillColorChanged?: ColorChangeHandler

Fill color change event handler.

onLineStyleChanged?: LineStyleChangeHandler

Line style change event handler.

onLineWidthChanged?: LineStyleChangeHandler

Line width change event handler.

onStrokeColorChanged?: ColorChangeHandler

Stroke color change event handler.

strokeColor?: string

Current stroke color.

strokePanelsEnabled: boolean = true

If set to 'false` the stroke related panels are hidden.

title: string

Panel title.


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