Interface TextStencilState

Represents configuration (state) of stencils extending the TextStencil.



color?: string

Text color.

fillColor?: string

Fill color.

fontFamily?: string

Font family string.

fontSize?: FontSize

Font size.

height?: number

Stencil's height.

iid: number

Internal stencil id. Used to refer to the stencil in connectors, etc.

left: number

Horizontal coordinate of the stencil.

notes?: string

Arbitrary string data that can be saved along with the stencil's state.

padding?: number

Text pading.

strokeColor?: string

Stroke color.

strokeDasharray?: string

Stroke dash array.


MDN stroke-dasharray docs for details.

strokeWidth?: number

Stroke width in pixels.

text?: string

Text content.

top: number

Vertical coordinate of the stencil.

typeName: string

String representation of the stencil's type name.

width?: number

Stencil's width.

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