Class StencilEditorSet

Represents a collection of stencil and connector types and respective editors for a specific diagram type creation and editing.


  • StencilEditorSet




availableConnectorTypes: typeof ConnectorBase[] = ...

Connector types available in this stencil editor set.

connectorEditorTypes: Map<typeof ConnectorBase, typeof ConnectorBaseEditor>

A mapping collection of connectors and corresponding editors.

defaultConnectorEditor: typeof ConnectorBaseEditor = ConnectorBaseEditor
defaultConnectorType: typeof ConnectorBase = ConnectorBase

The default selected connector type.

defaultStencilEditor: typeof StencilBaseEditor = StencilBaseEditor
defaultStringSet?: StringSet

Localization strings.

displayName?: string

Display name for the editor set.

id: string

Editor set identifier.

newDocumentTemplate?: DiagramState

The default document to load when creating a new diagram for this set.

stencilEditorTypes: Map<typeof StencilBase, typeof StencilBaseEditor>

A mapping collection of stencils and corresponding editors.

stencilSet: IStencilSet

StencilSet covered by the editor set.


  • Adds an editor type for one or more connector types.


    Returns void

  • Adds an editor type for one or more stencil types.


    • editorType: typeof StencilBaseEditor

      editor type.

    • Rest ...stencilTypes: typeof StencilBase[]

      list of stencil types to be edited by this editor.

    Returns void

  • Returns an editor type for the provided stencil type.


    Returns typeof StencilBaseEditor

    if specified returns a custom editor type for the supplied stencil type, otherwise returns the default editor type for this stencil editor set.

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